Wednesday, May 21, 2008

How often do you work???

This is my new forest piece now in my etsy shop.

I was thinking about how often I try to work on my art and what qualifies you as a Professional. I work every day no matter what. Sometimes it is mere minutes stolen in between homework with the kids, dinner making or laundry folding. Every night I work at least 2 hours uninterrupted. I try to start before 10:00 and work until 12:00. I am not always productive .....
I think I am always thinking about what I want to do , or what inspires me. I was curious about everyone else...... How often do you commit to working and what makes you a "professional"?


noodle and lou said...

Good question Courtney! I work everyday too. There seems to never be enough time though:)

Tracy Nuskey Dodson said...

I'm not sure what makes a professional....maybe it's not all that important. I work when I can, usually in between family stuff. I like to read and relax at night so most of my work is done early in the morning or when my kids are at school. We are doing something we love and I think that's all that counts!
Enjoy your day.